Dream Path

A Journey to Wholeness
Dream Path: A Journey to Wholeness, Miriam Nesset
Cover Art by Alison Rowe

DREAM PATH, a Journey to Wholeness is an autobiographical Novel. It continues the journey begun when Pamela Hastings hiked the Incan Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru (DREAM LEGEND, Facing the Condor). Mired in dysfunction and doubt, she follows the path set down by her dreams to finally arrive at a place of peace, understanding, trust, and self-awareness.

"Dream Path is indeed a journey to wholeness. As with Dream Legend, Facing the Condor (which I also read), the author, in revealing her weaknesses and lessons learned from experiences, allows the reader to gain new insights right along with her. I feel wiser for having read the books and highly recommend them to anyone on a spiritual path and searching for understanding."

– Gene P.
"I purchased Dream Path because I found Dream Legend so meaningful. I was not disappointed. Miriam's intimate descriptions of issues and events in her life, her reflections and resolution of them, made it easy for the reader to relate. I found her candid approach refreshing."

– Erin F.

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