A Small Room
A Small Room profiles seven very different people who unknowingly share a common bond. Each of them, having reaching a critical juncture in their lives, has stayed for a time in the spare bedroom of a house on Galt Road in London. All have, after a time of introspection and contemplation, emerged from that small room to 'set the mind in the right direction.' (Leonardo da Vinci).
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Dream Path: A Journey to Wholeness
Dream Path: a Journey to Wholeness is an autobiographical Novel. It continues the journey begun when Pamela Hastings hiked the Incan Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru (Dream Legend: Facing the Condor,).
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Beethoven for Henry
Beethoven for Henry, the third in the series of books for young readers, is representative of the field of music.
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Galileo for Henry
Galileo for Henry is the second in a series of books for young children about different fields of study. Galileo represents science.
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Aristotle for Henry
Aristotle for Henry is an interactive and colorful interpretation of Aristotle's philosophy for babies and toddlers.
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The Murder of Crows
The Murder of Crows is a novel. It profiles a family with a heritage of deception and crime. This unsavory birthright leads the current generation, entitled and arrogant, to an end without redemption.
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If I Were A Carpenter
If I Were A Carpenter is a sweet love story about an older woman and younger man. Fixing up a house together, they discover their common interests, compatibility, and form a lasting relationship. Their love affair grows in pace with progress on the house. The story has a mystical quality.
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Mrs. Blueberry
Mrs. Blueberry is a novel for young adults. Best friends Tommy and Hannah grew up in the fifties in Bath, Maine. School is out and they make plans for a summer of fun. But odd things have recently been happening. Someone in town is doing good deeds and helping people. Determined to solve the mystery of who it is, they make it their summer project to find out.
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Captured, is based on a true story and takes place in Georgetown, Maine during settlement times. It is a coming of age story of a young girl. Through her adventures in completing the three tasks given to her by the Abenaki chief, Elita learns of strengths she didn’t know she had and that girls are just as capable as boys. She also learns to be careful what she wishes for but in the future. I call it my girl power book.
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Left of the Moon
Left of the Moon, is a love story. It is about a woman, retired, who moves from Florida to Maine in 1980 to focus on her writing. She knows no one and has never been to Maine. She buys a condominium in Yarmouth
but soon, feeling alone and bored, questions making the move. Looking for an adventure, something to lift her spirits, and inspire her writing, she answers an ad ...
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Dream Legend: Facing the Condor
Dream Legend: Facing the Condor, a novel, is about a woman's personal, logged journey from dysfunction and victim-hood to wholeness and self-actualization. Dreams are her guidance and inspiration as she struggles to free herself from past issues, in particular a debilitating and destructive eating disorder. Following her evolution can serve as guidance to others.
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Sea Smoke
Sea Smoke is historical fiction. It’s about the taking of the white pine trees in Maine by the British under the rule of King George III. Tired of having their trees commandeered, the woodsmen revolted. It culminated with the Woodland Rebellion which, even though nonviolent, sent a message to the British that the removal of trees would no longer be tolerated. A precursor to the American Revolution, it preceded the Boston Tea Party by over thirty years. The plot is a mystical love story that also depicts settlement life in the seventeen hundreds.
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Georgie Blake and the Bushie Sisters
Georgie Blake and the Bushie Sisters is an enchanting book; a heart-warming
romp through a fifties childhood. While the book is written for eight to
twelve year olds, especially girls, it can be read to and enjoyed by
children of all ages. Parents and grandparents who grew up in the fifties
will find the story delightful, triggering nostalgic memories from their
own childhoods.
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Murder In Between
Enjoy the mystery and intrigue of Murder in Between. Everyone loves
bankers, right, especially in these days of economic woes? Equally
maligned and suspect in the 1960s and 1970s, they don't come any more
ruthless than Gaylan Morray, a small town banker whose shadow side is
darker than most.
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